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What is EDDi?
EDDi is a fortnightly summary of research-based educational insight.
EDDi is designed to keep you up-to-date with current research and best practice - with a heavy focus on international education. We distil lengthy academic articles and extended news pieces, giving you short, sharp summaries. What it takes us hours to digest each week, you can read in less than 20 minutes.
Collated and edited by a team of experienced international school leaders and university academic staff, EDDi gives you quick and easy access to vital educational research, access you would otherwise have to commit hours to finding and digesting.
Few people have this time, hence EDDi.
Why subscribe?
To keep EDDi alive we need subscribers. If you like what EDDi offers, please sign-up to receive our fortnightly digests. Subscribing will mean EDDi will appear in your Inbox fortnightly.
It would also be super helpful if you could forward EDDi to colleagues and friends. The more people subscribe, the more EDDi will thrive.
Help EDDi on its journey by subscribing and sharing.
How is the PDF version different?
The online version provides an abridged version of the full PDF.
We recommend the PDF, but if you are pressed for time the online version is fine. We first produce the PDF version and then edit slightly for readability in the online newsletter – about 75% of the PDF content is included online, sometimes more.
In the PDF we include definitions of key terms, more links and a little more text. The PDF is there for people who might prefer to read a hard copy, who prefer the PDF format or who value the extra detail.
What topics will EDDi cover?
It is impossible for every edition to include articles relevant to everyone, but over the course of the year there will be plenty to interest you.
The topics covered include assessment, culture, curriculum, EAL, teaching and learning, leadership and management, literacy, gender, identity, professional development, social issues and many more.
Over the course of the year we provide a balance of themes and, where a particular topic hits the zeitgeist, will provide a series of articles across editions.
How many articles will each edition include?
Each edition of EDDi will include:
·      One piece with a specific classroom/professional focus;
·      One thought piece (something which has inspired us and, we hope, will make you think);
·      Four academic journal article summaries;
·      Links to the original sources.
In addition, the PDF includes:
·      Definitions of key terms;
·      Additional links;
·      Fuller versions of the summaries.
How long is each article?
Our aim is to keep the summaries below 750 words, ideally around 500.
Remember though, we are summarising journal articles that can run to 8,000 words, so sometimes its tough to hit these targets! If an article is really interesting (or really complex) our summary might run to 1,000 words. If so, we would balance this with shorter pieces elsewhere in the edition.
Do I have to read all of the articles?
How much you read is up to you. Some weeks you might sit down with a coffee and read everything, other weeks you may only have time to squeeze in the one article that most interests you – a quick 5 minutes staying up-to-date with the profession.
What sources do you use?
Simple answer: a wide range.
Longer answer: whatever its source, if an article interests us, and if we think it will interest you, we will provide a digest.
Sometimes this will mean that we pay for an individual article (often $30-$100 per article) – a reason subscribing to EDDi is such good value. Other times the article will be in a journal or magazine we subscribe to; for example:
Journal of Research in International Education
British Journal of Sociology in Education
Educational Review
Critical Studies in Education
Learning and Instruction
Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice
Early Childhood Research Quarterly
Journal of School Psychology
Harvard Business Review
Psychology Today
Economics of Education Review
Journal of Education Policy
Critical Studies in Education
Studies in Second Language Acquisition
Language, Culture and Curriculum
Language Learning
Teaching and Teacher Education
British Journal of Educational Technology
Education Management, Administration and Leadership
Race Ethnicity in Education
So, you are getting a fortnightly summary of relevant articles from a broad spread of highly rated journals and magazines.
If you would like us to feature articles from another source, let us know: contact@eddi.ac
How do you select which articles to include?
We read a lot. As academics it comes with the territory.
From this reading we select interesting, engaging and insightful articles you might be interested in.
Articles are included in EDDi if:
·      It is relevant to international school teachers, leaders and governors.
·      We can identify (and summarise) practical steps which lead from the article’s findings.
·      If the article provides a new angle on an old idea or presents something new and innovative.
·      If there is strong evidence that the article’s findings will work in the international context.
We will also include articles which challenge and provoke. You may not agree with everything you read in EDDi and that’s OK. In fact, it’s desirable. We want EDDi to promote critical thought. Nothing would make us happier than an article inspiring a heated (but friendly) debate between staff.
Will EDDi always be free?
Yes and no.
When (if) we reach a critical mass of subscribers we will launch EDDi’s website and will start to add new features and functions (feel free to reach out with suggestions). These features will be limited to subscribers. So, a version of EDDi will be offered for free but to access the full version and the extra features a subscription will be needed.
The subscription fee will be nominal, something like U$50 annually or U$5 per month - the price of a few coffees and much less than journal access or magazine subscriptions cost.
How do I subscribe?
We are glad you asked. Thank you for your support.
You can sign-up here:
Can I submit my article for inclusion in EDDi?
Yes, of course. We can’t guarantee inclusion but we welcome submissions of published work. Send us the document or the link on: contact@eddi.ac
Copyright questions
Our summaries are based on the principle of fair use. In no sense are we trying to pass the work off as our own. Indeed, we will always link to the original work and our hope is that EDDi is a source of traffic to the source material.
If you feel your copyright is being breached, please contact us on contact@eddi.ac. We will respond promptly and will rectify the issue appropriately.
And, finally, one more reminder: